
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1  Thank you for choosing Mantra for extensive online courses. This privacy policy describes how Mantra collects, uses, or restricts our use of your personal information when you surf and use this website to access the online courses.

1.2  The website www.mantrforall.com is owned and run by Mantra Adhyayan Anusandhan Kendra (Mantra Education and Research Centre) with the office at Budhanilkantha Municipality-6, Hattigaunda Kathmandu. For further information, you can contact here. 

1.3  Using the service of Mantra you should agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not agree, you should not use the services of Mantra. The policy applies when you use the Mantra’s website and mobile apps. We value your privacy and use the information that is lawful under the Privacy Act, 2018 of Nepal.                                                                                                     

2. What Information We Collect

2.1  When you visit our sites, we collect information that your browser sends to us such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser version, pages of our sites that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, hyperlinks you have clicked and other statistics. In doing so, we may be able to determine your geographic location and point of connectivity. We also use (or may use) cookies when you visit our Site. For more information on our use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

2.2  We collect your personal information in the following ways;

Your registrations  during the account registration process, login in the course, update or change information of your account, purchase the course/service, surveys, subscriptions for email updates, participate at public discussion forums (like talking & discussion events), send us the email messages, login in as instructors and offering or recommending the different courses.

3. How We Use Your Information

3.1 Considering your privacy right, we use your personal information for our different purposes which are as follows;

  • To grow and develop our business.

  • To build relationships with different partners and academic institutions.

  • To use for research and other statistical information.

  • To carry out marketing and administrative, internal, and external audit purposes.

  • To provide you the information about the new services that you may be interested in.

  • To notify the changes to our services. 

3.2 Mantra administration has the access to the information which you provide to us. Your information shall be used for any legal process by legal proceedings/court and we make sure your information is transferred securely to them. 

4. Cookies Policy

4.1 Mantra uses cookies. Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you surf the internet sites. Mantra uses cookies to track the website activity of our users. You may choose to accept or reject cookies while you surf the sites.

4.2  Your information may be used by third parties if you click on a hyperlink from our website. They will use your information based on their policies on privacy and cookies. Hence, it is recommended you to check and understand their policies before you use their services. We are not liable for other’s services and policies.

4.3 Normally, the internet browser accepts cookies by default. However, the site sends you the notification to accept or reject the cookies. If you do not accept the cookies, some features of sites may not work.  

4.4 We respect your privacy but there is no certainty of protection of your personal information or electronic storage because the internet is not 100% secure and reliable. Therefore, we declare that we cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal information.

5. Privacy of children

5.1 Mantra strongly protects the privacy of children. We prohibit access to children under the age of 13, however, with this belief, we do not knowingly collect or maintain information on our site for persons under 13. 

If the person under 13 surfs our site, we assume that he/she has consent from the parents/guardians and  they use our services under the supervision and guidance of their parents. 

6. Changes to this policy and further information

6.1 We may update or change our policies from time to time, so we strongly recommend you to check and review  the policy before using our services.